Donations in action
Recreating the Clerk of the Senate's office to evoke 1975.
Donations to our Annual Appeal 2024 helped us recreate the Clerk of the Senate's office on the day of the 1975 Whitlam government dismissal. James Odgers was the Clerk of the Senate on that date and witnessed the dismissal on the steps of Parliament House.
Visit the Clerk of the Senate's office at MoAD.

Thank you to our donors
We would like to thank and acknowledge our donors, including those who would like to remain anonymous, to the 2024 Annual Appeal.
Dr Marion Amies
Michael Appleby
Dorothy Barclay and Peter Barclay OAM
Andrew Blanckensee
David Blayney
Sarah Brasch
Gai Brodtmann
Sue Dyer and Dr Stephen Dyer
Christopher Field
The Henry Parkes Foundation
Jeffrey Gabriel
Jeannie and Peter Gill
Peter Graves
Axe Gregoire
Meredith Hinchliffe AM
Stephen Holt
Peter Hyland
Claudia Hyles OAM
Kristian Jacobsen
Carly Jassy
David Lewis
Robert Lundie
Nicola Mallik
Chris Mansfield
Robyn McClelland
Vicki and Wayne McGeoch
Elizabeth McGinnis
Quac Minh La
Lisa Mullins
Brett Odgers
Fiona Pacey
Andrew Phelan AM and Monica Phelan
Margaret Pope
Aliya and Robert Porter
Greg Ralph
Graeme Rankin
The Hon Margaret Reid AO
Paul Rogerson
Niki Savva
Nicholas Schmidt
Reg Shepherd
Wayne Sheridan
Lajla Sidhu
Jane Stanham
Deborah Sulway
Amy L Tang
Felicity and Simon Tepper
Ian and Valerie Thom
Cecilia Webber
Suzanne Wood

Thanks to the generous support of Tim Fairfax AC and Gina Fairfax AC, MoAD's innovative new education program designed to empower the next generation, Democracy in a Box, will launch in 2025.