MoAD and the Courtyard Cafe are open. There may be building works during your visit. Learn more

Old Parliament House building works

MoAD is replacing roofs damaged by the 2020 hailstorm and upgrading our accessible entry.

We are open

MoAD and the Courtyard Cafe are open as usual. Events and functions can be booked as usual. 

MoAD is open 9am to 5pm daily, except Christmas Day. 

Entry to the Museum is up the central staircase at the front of the building, and accessible entry is through the doors on either side of the staircase. Building work is taking place in the accessible entry, but you can still access the building through this entry.

Staircase leading to the front entrance to the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House.

When you visit, you will see scaffolding on the building and parts of the roof will be covered.   

There may be some noise and you may see a crane. Some car spaces around the building will not be available when the crane is in use. Visit our Getting here and parking page for information about where to park. 

Our Museum Experience team can help you plan your visit and answer any questions you have. 

A view of the back of Old Parliament House, a long white building with a white scaffolding over one section of the roof and walls.
White scaffolding covers the corner of Old Parliament House over 3 levels to the roof which is covered in an awning. A sign reads 'Courtyard Cafe' in large text with an arrow pointing to a doorway.
A large yellow crane sits in front of the white front exterior of Old Parliament House. A man in a yellow hi-vis jacket stands next to it.

Getting to the Courtyard Cafe

Entry to the Courtyard Cafe is via the front (Museum entrance) or rear (Queen Victoria Terrace) of the building. To get to the Courtyard Cafe from the Museum (front) entrance, walk through the Behind the Lines exhibition to the House of Representatives Courtyard.  

A hallway with cartoons hung on the walls. At the end of the walkway a glass door is open leading to a courtyard.
A walk way with a white ceiling and a green courtyard on the left. Black wicker tables line the path to a door.
A glass door with the words Courtyard Cafe in white sans serif font.

You can also enter the Courtyard Cafe from Queen Victoria Terrace (at the back of the building). Follow the signage on the scaffolding.  

White transparent scaffolding covers the entrance to a building. There is a large black sign with the words Courtyard Cafe and an arrow pointing down to the doorway in the scaffolding.

Heritage management 

We're working with a team of experts, including heritage architects and engineers, to ensure the building works are carefully managed according to the policies in the Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2021-26. 

This page will be updated as further building works occur.