All in Visual Arts
You can change the world
Empower students to celebrate who they are and how they can make a difference.
Change starts with us
Support students to help the environment by making small changes in their daily lives.
Civic engagement with Krys Saclier
Use this matrix to support students as they consider how they can participate and contribute.
Civic engagement with Matt Cosgrove
Use this matrix to support students to consider how they can be the best version of themselves.
Civic engagement with Andy Geppert
Use this matrix with Andy Geppert's picture books to explore decision making and celebrating difference.
Backyard birdies
Support students to be citizen scientists with this engaging native birds activity book.
Political cartoons in the classroom
A comprehensive guide to the history, context and analysis of political cartoons.
Create, celebrate and connect
Engaging activity ideas to support young people connect with those around them.
The printing press at Old Parliament House
Learn about the importance of technology in our democracy.
The mace at Old Parliament House
Find out about the mace at Old Parliament House – where it came from, what it symbolises and how it was used.
Critically exploring campaigning
Critically reflect on the information in political campaign posters.
Do something for someone else
Explore stories of children spreading kindness through small positive actions.
Camp Canberra
Delve into the design of Canberra and explore the role of museums and galleries in a capital city.
Draws attention to the human-made problems for marine animals and encourages care for our oceans.
HansART – Interpreting Hansard records
Explore parliamentary debates from the last 100 years of records.
The PM's daughter
Explore what qualities make a good leader and how young people can make positive change.
How to be prime minister and survive grade five
Explore how a parliament works and how students can participate in democracy.
We Can Make a Difference
Students investigate the UN Rights of the Child and active citizenship through this authentic experience.
Behind the Lines
Students unpack the role of political cartoons, explore techniques and develop their media literacy skills.
People Power and Making Change
Students learn about important people, change in our democracy and their role in making change.
First Nations Rights and Freedoms
Hear the stories of significant First Nations Australians who have worked to create democratic change.