Make a koala mask
Celebrate Save the Koala Day
Activity time: 30 minutes
Koalas face threats to their habitat from extreme weather events and tree clearing. Conservationists, researchers, volunteers and community experts care for koalas and their habitat. We can do our part to care for koalas by learning more about them and caring for the environment they live in.
Let’s make a mask to celebrate koalas.
You’ll need:
- cardboard box (tip: you can use the inside of a recycled cereal box)
- black markers, crayons or pencils
- scissors
- sticky tape or glue
- cotton balls (if you don’t have any, you can use white paper, tissues or scrunched up paper towel)
- string or ribbon.

Draw your koala mask shape on your cardboard. If you’re using a cereal box you might like to make it in pieces and stick together.

Cut out your shapes.

Mark where your eyes will go and cut them out. Cutting eyeholes can be a bit tricky, so you might need a grown up to help out.

Stick or draw on a big nose.

You might like to add some fluffy ear texture with paper or pencil.

Add some fluffy lines around the cheeks and eyes.

Fluff up your cotton balls, tissues or white paper and glue them on the ears.

Measure your string or ribbon around your head. Attach it to the inside of your masks using glue or tape.

Put your mask on and find a gum tree for a fun photo!