Civics in pictures

Picture books are a great way to explore civics and citizenship with students.

Let's save series

Let's save series

These activities encourage students to follow the design thinking stages to develop a solution to a problem in their local environment. 

Change starts with us

Change starts with us

This inspiring picture book encourages young readers to make changes in their daily lives to help save our planet.

Bowerbird blues

Bowerbird blues

For this year's Simultaneous Storytime, inspire students to connect with Aura Parker’s beautiful picture book. 

Bush turkey

Bush turkey

Co-create learning spaces with students.

Worst week ever

Worst week ever

Media through books! Utilise fiction to explore contemporary media



How can we be more inclusive? 

Backyard birdies

Backyard birdies

How does a chicken say 'I love you'? What do a bush turkey and a car have in common?