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Lost, found and left behind

  • Written byKate Armstrong
  • DateSat, 09 Jun 2018

In 1988, federal parliament moved from the overcrowded Old Parliament House to its permanent home in Australian Parliament House.

The move was huge – hundreds of politicians, staff and press had to be relocated, plus all their belongings, piles of equipment, and boxes of files. Not surprisingly, things got left behind. 

Over the last two decades, we have discovered lots of things hidden deep inside cupboards, behind bookcases and wedged behind drawers.

Drink cans, milk cartons, empty cigarette packets. Detritus from the last farewell parties in the building maybe?

A sign requesting 'WHEN LEAVING PLEASE CLOSE WINDOWS' which was probably going to be redundant in the new Parliament House where the windows couldn't be opened anyway … so why bother packing it?

Old school technology surpassed by computerisation and the tide of miniaturisation. An abandoned iron and well-stocked shoe shine kit implying that grooming was going to receive a lot less attention in the new House.

Obsolete, surprising, predictable. Take a look at what we found.


Kate Armstrong is the Manager of Interpretation and Content Development at MoAD.