This cartoon is titled 'The PM of No Responsibility', by Jim Pavlidis, The Sydney Morning Herald/The Age, 23rd of August, 2021. Against a pink background a blue-grey bust of a smirking Scott Morrison is displayed on a plinth. The Prime Minister's eyes are closed and he has no arms. To Morrison's right, a firefighter's arm holds out a hose; to his left, hands hold out a 'Sexual Assault Petition' and the receiver of a telephone labelled 'COVID-19'.
Label text: Cartoonists might never let the Prime Minister forget the comment he made during the 2019–20 Black Summer bushfire crisis: ‘I don’t hold a hose, mate’. Here, Jim Pavlidis’s armless bust also refers to controversies that provoked the women-led March4Justice campaign and negotiations with COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Pfizer.